How I Built This: Yvon Chouinard, Patagonia

Why Yvon Chouinard doesn’t want you to buy Patagonia products.

‘How I built this’ Podcast with Guy Raz is a go to for amazing stories about business and their founders. For those who don’t know, Yvon Chouinard is the founder of Patagonia the outdoor company. Yvon and his team has pioneered ethical and sustainable business practices since the 70’s. Patagonia is now an industry leader in this space and many companies have used their model to implement within their own businesses.

I personally draw a huge amount of inspiration from the story and that there is always a better way. A better way to work, respect our earth, cleaner ways to manufacture and lighten our environmental footprint for the next generation.

Click Here to go to the NPR Podcast


Basecamp Contributor: Mello Bouwmeester